
Nets Are Officially UP

We are happy to announce that all nets are up at the courts!

With the weather finally clearing up we hope to see everyone out and playing soon!

If you have signed up already you can check your email for the Gate Code, but please remember this is for members only.

Lets get out there and have fun!

B2 Interclub Team

We are happy to announce that we have added a second Interclub team and they will be playing at the B2 level on Thursdays.

As this is a new team this year, we are in need of players!

If you are an intermediate / advanced player or are unsure of your level and are looking to join the team, please reach out to one of the contacts on the Leagues page for more information.

Membership is now open!

We are pleased to announce that our 2024 membership signup is now available!

You can click here for our online form.

Alternatively you can check out the Join section here for more details on the pricing and payment breakdown.

This year there is an early bird discount of $5 off all forms received by April 1st so remember to sign up early!